Friday, November 16, 2007

Do it yourself Immigration Reform

Immigration reform? No this is not the governor of New York- under an assumed e-mail. So how does one schlub get his idea out to the people? First a short ramble about my naiveté last week before I get to the serious stuff.
Wrong way 101.
Last week I hadn’t thought internet yet and feeling very energized after 2 weeks in Mexico I rode my bike up 6th Ave. and headed dead center into the media capital of the world, like it would be so easy. My local newspaper in south Jersey would have been more realistic. Corruption in Mexico City would have been a welcome change of locale from the banana republic story out Atlantic City, U.S.A.
Anyhow I carry with me a few video cassettes and several disposable camera’s worth of pictures of my Mexico adventure.
First to Fox News. There is after all a conservative element of border control in my idea as you will see later. I introduce myself to security. Of course I’ll never cross this security line without an appointment. But there’s a program booker and another lady next to me and they see my religion (zeal) and my pictures. I have two minutes to make my case. Why not? They’re not Don Hewitt, but I might not get another chance. I instantly go to the Wal-Mart pictures although I promised myself beforehand I would save that story in case I was desperate. I could be desperate and Wal-Mart is an easy target.
They look very interested in the pictures. I give them my cell number, they cross into the 4th estate and I wait and I wait.
Here comes a guy in through the door to the street and I think I’ve seen him on T.V. “Sir, sir!” Too far ahead - past an invisible line and away. .
I’m still waiting for that call from upstairs and I figure I’ll look for somebody else familiar to come walking in.
The second T.V. face(he’s smaller not larger than life) turns up standing directly to my left. “Sir, your on the morning show right?” He was a couple years back he said, he’s on now after 9a.m., I think he said occasionally. Made it sound like it was his programming decision. “Look at these,” I’m pointing to the pictures. I’m about to shoot the works- “There’s an Emmy” in these pictures I’m showing you. I put the Wal-Mart gems at the top of the pile.
He says there’s not a story, o.k.. maybe a business story. Wall-Mart pictures are good. There was a fist full of pictures , several are of Wal-Mart. He’s running away from me now as he pretends to be calling upstairs. Fox is starting a new business channel. He doesn’t have my name or number. How’s he … He’s moving further and further away. . He was about 60, weighed about 165 and wore cowboy boots.
I’ll tell you now one week later- with what I saw down in Mexico there was one hell of a story. Wall-Marts larger than expected earnings helped push the Dow up more than 300 points yesterday.
The next person to walk in I definitely recognize. It’s now her turn to jump on this loose Emmy football.. ( Lunch time could be the time to catch them) She and a gentleman finish their conversation. “Miss Wheil!” Good introduction, I’ve seen and heard her on the radio and television a thousand times. I talk. She’s very pretty and sweet enough to wait while I run back to the counter to write down the e-mail address she requested.
But I don’t know my e-mail . I’m real old school- Wolfie is a house cat). What’s the difference, I write down the cell number again.
It’s almost 12P.M. and the Factor will be on the radio. She’s on that show several times a week. It so happens I called the program about 2 weeks before. Somebody check it out. I told the “Big Guy” I was heading south to Mexico with my 2 guys. No, they were not being deported Bill. Anyway more about those two guys later.
She says “I’ll give it to him”, the picture that is. She ought to give it to him alright, like a kick in the ass the way he makes fun of her.
Nothing happens over the next 30 minutes. The “Factor” is not going to discuss and take calls about my vacation. I’m ready to move on to the next hurdle (fence) (immigration metaphor.)
NBC is right across the street. I don’t know where there uncross able line is, this place is big. You can navigate around one or two levels at Rockefeller Center along with the throngs of sightseers. One benefit immediately hits home- access to the public restrooms (by the ice rink).Relief.
I’m directed to a mailroom. Room 206 if I remember. This looks like an efficient way to re-route some of the weirdo’s (like me). I’m told comments, suggestions, solutions to world problems etc get sent upstairs on the hour. I’m tossing the Emmy up to Brian Williams.
By the way - you guys in the mailroom. Make eye contact with the person on the opposite side of your computer screen. Last nights scores and your analysis should come second to the person standing across from you.
Later their was CNN where Anderson Cooper could have had the story. It’s t-shirt weather down there in Mexico.Back on the street and I notice I must have the skinniest bike lock in New York City.
The jig is up now and I bike back and over the Brooklyn Bridge to where I parked for free that morning. There might be the one useful nugget in this story. The closest and most convenient free parking to Manhattan.
Back over bridge and into some serious gridlock problems going to the Holland Tunnel.
That night I stay with an old college friend who’s staying near Rutgers’s U. on business. He’s fascinated I didn’t know my e-mail address and didn’t appreciate that’s the preferred way of communicating. Yeah- my e-mail would have got me on the “No Spin Zone” I’m sure. Sometime around 2010.
Driving the car the down around Trenton and I decide to give it one last shot in Philadelphia. (You on-side kick when the game is almost lost) I was in Philly two and half weeks prior when my guys were going through their version of the run around (Mexican hat dance) at the Mexican consulate. Revealed- 2 guys are going back to stay in Mexico after 5 productive years here. I remember seeing WHYY the public radio- TV station in Philly. While I’m mentioning the station why does Marty Moscwain bump the syndicated Diane Rheim at 10 a.m. weekdays. You can hear Diane‘s(this conservative is a big fan) lead in at 9.59 while you’re still on the NJ side and loose her to Marty on the other side of the Delaware River.
That happened a few months back and I went crazy. The author of the book “The World Without Us” was on . Maybe I heard ten minutes discussion before I was in Philly. And lost the signal. That book is here in the house somewhere, probably overdue at the library by now. It really is
At the Public T.V in Philly it’s just me, the receptionist and security guard. This is better , and yes I had a good workout on the bike in New York yesterday. Now whether the receptionist here was sympathetic to my story (big story) I don’t know but I did give her a sneak peek (not the Wal-Mart ones) and she called , I believe a program director upstairs. He was out of town? Now its easy to get paranoid but I do believe she got a dial tone and called an actual number.
I left my name and cell # and got his business #. Director of broadcasting at (215) 351-0526. This is a public station and PBS is known to be on the liberal side so I don’t know if we could work John McCain into my solution (first mention of John McCain). I haven’t tried calling this guy back with my story. Neither am I surprised he hasn’t called me. Call Dave and make a pledge maybe he’ll push story for use on “THE News Hour with Jim Lheer”.
My last order of business was to use the rest room. Security takes over and the gauntlet is thrown down again. Bathrooms are on the other side(of line) and are off limits.
I was directed across the street to the Constitutional Museum where there are many security guards and a well lit, well staffed, and prosperous museum. The flashbacks from Mexico are less frequent now but I had one right there (Slaughter House Five).
We (Beto and I) are at a world class museum out at some ruins in Morelos, Mexico(its called world class in the 2007 travel book I’ve since returned to library) the lights were off, the cafĂ©` closed, several guides and absolutely no visitors(I really am leading up to something).
. When I biked across the Brooklyn Bridge you weave trough camera pointing, tourists with lots of money in their pockets. . In glorious Mexico City almost nothing.
Want to find a crowd in Mexico City? Go to the American Embassy. You will see a thousand well dressed, well to do Mexican citizens standing on line. You’d think it’s a queue for Broadway matinee of “Cats”. One more flashback . I was well on my way up 6th Ave. before I saw my first dog. I counted two before I got to mid-town. One small and one large. I doubt either will have to scavenge for supper tonight.
Where am I going with this? I can prattle on about my dumb trip last week but I just wanted somebody to look at my pictures. I didn’t have anything written up, I didn’t have any nice clothes with me. Every door was closed. What ideas would one real reporter or one presidential candidate return home with if he ventured into the interior of our largest neighbor? Sugar cane, co-operative agriculture ventures, co-operative sanitation projects and tourism. It’s all possible. And what if they were shown around personally like I was by a guy (with a real good head on his shoulders) who was in the U.S. for 5 years, and has seen our way and knows theirs, plus learned English while he worked 60 hours a week. A poster boy of determination, and good behavior once we all get past the first three strikes against him for crossing the border illegally. Inserted 12:11 AM 11/16/07 Did I forget to mention the Bed and Breakfast he’d like to open if he ever finishes his 80% completed house. I saw the house, I have pictures, it’s perfect. The view from the second floor is breathtaking. Too bad though there’s a lot of litter in town and on his street, but wait, maybe an American foundation(Gate’s?) could point the way and donate a small sum to compliment towns department. Sanitation department! Ask me about that sometime. .
There’s opportunity, the status quo, or danger . What happens in the future if a little political brush fire kicks up down there? (little revolution) And it’s a shame because they have a stable government compared to the rest of central America. The corruption is a different topic for another day. I’d be glad after I get used to this computer thing to discuss that and other aspects of the immigration issue.
And if I can get cute once again, Reverend Jesse the opportunity is wide open to play the victim game down there (Wal-Mart). Mantenga la esperanza viva.(“keep hope alive”)
What’s new this morning 11/15/07? I’m rattled. My sister-in-law tells me that on the news this morning there’s something about Chris Dodd proposing something or another to rally the Spanish electorate around the immigration issue. She regurgitates a few things and it’s like, haven’t you been listening to anything I’ve said(preached) the last few days? Believe it or not I have more sympathy for politicians after my experiences discussing this topic the last two weeks then in my previous 4 decades of following politics.
Back to Chris Dodd. He might gain, or loose a little traction in the Democratic field, unless he offers a comprehensive fix for both sides of the border. He won’t . Republicans pay attention the biggest voter windfall would be to take the block vote over to your side because you got zip now.
Here’s the partial solution of what I put together last week, in all it glory.(I’m no policy wonk but compared to the middle east this one is easy)
A solution to the immigration issue.
Here’s a one time opportunity because it’s presidential primary season to reward one candidate with an unexpected voter windfall. The party with the most to gain(or lose forever) are the Republicans. My choice for this voter generosity is John McCain.(It’s a week later since I first put on paper last paragraph and the several to follow, and after beating my head against wall I say now-Who cares which candidate as long as somebody rallies this giant voter block)
Goal to break immigration deadlock in U.S. and by extension, Mexico by a successful grass roots campaign that politicians can’t ignore.(this threat is doubly directed at Mexico’s politicians.)
Demands from both countries are-
From USA
1.Citizenship for all illegals.(undocumented)
2. Serious enforcement of all borders and ports of entry.

In return from Mexico---(new to this discussion)
1. Receive conditionally a lot of US aid and private United States investment to make country more attractive to its citizens and foreign visitors.(Not a real tough one for
Mexico, or am I wrong?)
2.Proof that corruption is being rooted out.US participation and oversight.(Indifference from Mex. Gov. Well there’s 4 months between a US President being elected and being sworn in, and then there’s the time to pass the legislation. And there’s the people again….watching.
3.Fix the sewage thing and manage the trash. Our companies again (USA) to partner with theirs.
4.Efficiently recover natural resources- oil, sugar cane, etc with USA help.. (US business will go to bed dreaming about the sugar cane crop wasting down there.
5.Tourism. The four previous would take care of number 5.
6.Serious Mexican enforcement of the border.(Staunch conservatives put this as #1 if you like)
Signing up new voters is a goal and
Any voter who switches party to vote other way in primary of course is free to vote either party in the November election.

Spanish voters and soon to be registered you know what’s at stake for you as an ethnic group. Your undocumented brothers and sisters are stuck here in limbo, and they’re underground -separated from families back home. All 50 million documented and undocumented would be a liberating force if there were regular travel back and forth.
Lastly maybe this work permit thing could be straightened out if everything else was cleaned up.

Thursday 11/15/07
Watched debate. Had my shorts all twisted in knot for nothing.
Sounded like Dodd wanted to get to something more than the usual but Wolf was trying to be strict about time tonight.( Wolf I have story the big moose nj @ hot brand spanking new e-mail)

When all the immigration tap dancing is done they still all are missing first hand experience like they get on these fact finding trips to middle east ,Africa etc. Make a perfect junket, in the 70’s every day.

I was just interrupted 20 minutes by a call from brother asking how was Mexico?(close family- I was there 2 weeks ago) Frustration boils up again. You talk, he asks logical questions and you have to give the illogical answers to easy questions. I just get warmed up and then want to shut down. I’m tired of talking about this to all of us who have no power to change anything. Mantra… This isn’t rocket science. Somebody important get down there, and I don’t mean the coasts or the border area. Good night 11/15/07 11:21 PM.

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